Mar 29, 2015

LDS Church's View On Emotional, Sexual & Physical Abuse: Quotes & Definitions

What Is Abuse

I think many of us hear abuse and we instantly think it only means being physically beaten and that unless we are being physically hit then it's not as serious. Sadly this is not so, Emotional Abuse is just as destructive as physical abuse (Learn more about emotional abuse HERE). MANY of us aren't aware of the LDS church's stance and definition of abuse, even some of our own bishops and ward leaders.

Ive compiled a list of quotes from regarding ALL types of abuse straight from handbooks, manuals, conferences, apostles, & prophets. The Church takes this matter very seriously. Please pass this info along, even quote them to your ward leaders if needed.

Knowledge is truth and light!

LDSChurch's view on Emotional, Physical, & Sexual Abuse :

* Abuse and Cruelty -

"The Church’s position is that abuse cannot be tolerated in any form. Those who abuse or are cruel to their spouses, children, other family members, or anyone else violate the laws of God and man. All members, especially parents and leaders, are encouraged to be alert and diligent and do all they can to protect children and others against abuse and neglect. Members who have abused others are subject to Church discipline.

If leaders or teachers become aware of instances of abuse, they should counsel with the bishop. Instructions for the bishop are provided in Handbook 1.

Abuse Definition

Abuse is the treatment of others or self in a way that causes injury or offense. It harms the mind and the spirit and often injures the body as well. It can cause confusion, doubt, mistrust, and fear. It is a violation of the laws of society and is in total opposition to the teachings of the Savior. The Lord condemns abusive behavior in any form—physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional. Abusive behavior may lead to Church discipline.

Mar 11, 2015

Affirmations Heal

What are affirmations?

I'll explain in a way that helped me understand them (I used to think they were hippy BS).

We all have learned some incorrect beliefs about ourselves in our lives somewhere along the way, whether in childhood, as teens, or as adults etc. I call these Debilitating Negative Core Beliefs ---- "I'm not good enough, I'm stupid, I'm not important, I don't deserve good things, I'm unlovable, I'm unsafe because I don't deserve to be safe. I can't do anything right" etc etc etc.

We ALL have them in varying degrees one way or another.

Now, how would it make you feel if a loved one called you names like stupid, worthless, ugly, fat, unlovable etc?

It would hurt your feelings right? 

I believe when we put ourselves down we are doing the same thing to ourselves. It hurts us. Except we've done it for so long we've become desensitized to it so we don't realize how much it's actually harming ourselves. This in turn becomes MORE damaging because it is often done on a subconscious level, and VERY VERY frequently and habitually. Just because we can't consciously feel it, doesn't mean it's not doing the same amount of damage and is not hurting us.

So how do we counteract these negative beliefs? If putting ourselves down by subconscious thoughts and phrases can tear us down and hurt our body and mind, then couldn't we also correct those negative beliefs by counteracting them with positive phrases?


Luckily you don't have to believe affirmations for them to work at first.

When I started saying affirmations I definitely didn't love myself. I didn't feel safe. It felt like my insides were screaming "NOOOO YOUR LYING!!!!!! How dare you say it is safe!!!!!! LIAR!!!!" , and the more I said affirmations, the more those screams became like the wizard of oz witch "NOOOOO I'm melting I'm melting".

My affirmations were literally a direct "attack" against my negative beliefs. My negative beliefs saw the affirmations as a huge threat. So I had to say the affirmations a lot for the idea to slowly sink in enough for me to even CONSIDER believing them.

Affirmations also sound too simple to be effective. When someone first told me about them I thought they were a big load of bull, "Ha ya right, like saying I love myself is gonna help me feel better or help my body to feel better. That's stupid"...(as I muttered in my head " Ya freaking looney psycho tree hugger..." 😜).


As you start saying affirmations, don't be surprised if you feel alll sorts of whacky diverse emotions like embarrassment, stupidity, shame, guilt, depression, apathy, rage, or the urge to cry or even to laugh! THIS IS A GOOD SIGN!!!!!!!

These emotions are PROOF that the affirmations are working and doing good because the positive words triggered the negative belief into "defense" mode. If the affirmation was no threat to the negative belief, it'd have no reason to defend itself. So keep saying them, stay strong!

Also when using affirmations, try to use all positive words. Our subconscious minds don't always differentiate between what context a negative word is used in. Example: "I am not mad at myself".....some part of our body will still hear "mad at myself" and "I am not".  

If you're religious you can start the first one off saying God/Heavenly Father "______" and then say the affirmation so its like your confirming it before God, thus making it more real. Then alternate between saying them over and over outloud (in the mirror if your feeling brave) or fill up an entire page writing them down over and over. THE MORE YOU DO THEM THE BETTER ITLL WORK  This is what helps me make the affirmations work better : How To Do Positive Self EMDR

Another great tip if affirmations seem too hard is to say "I want" before your affirmation. That way it won't make you feel like you're lying to yourself, and It will still be just as effective. Ex. "I want to take care of my body". 

Affirmations are also GREAT to do in front of your kids so they can learn by example!


Affirmations have changed my life in more ways than I can describe. Something so simple as saying WORDS has changed my life and has healed so many wounds that I thought were impossible to heal. 

What I love most about affirmations is that they are also a form of loving and honoring God since HE created us. He commanded us to love.....But that also applies to ourselves right? We aren't exempt from this commandment. We are a literal part of God. Our spirits know this. Our spirits know our importance and self worth, and our Negative Core Beliefs are a direct opposition to God and WHO WE ARE as children of God. Instead, what better way to honor Him than to honor His creation!

I sincerely hope affirmations help you. YOU are important. YOU deserve good things 💗

Plus, you got nothing to lose by trying, right? 😗🙋‍♀️

Example Affirmations: 

I love you _____ (say your name.  YES it feels silly,  but for some reason it works really well when speaking to your child self)

I love and approve of myself
It is safe for every part of my body to relax and feel peace.

I am safe.

All is well.

It is safe for me to care for myself

I digest with ease

I want to release my weight

I want to take care of my body

I want to love taking care of my kids

I want to love taking care of my house

I want to feel safe

I want to see my body as beautiful

My mind is full of love, peace, and clarity

Life will always provide for me

It is safe for me to feel

I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably

I willingly release with joy

I see myself and what I do with eyes of love

I boldly speak how I feel with ease

It is safe to be me

I relax and recognize my self worth

Harmony and peace, love and joy surround me and indwell me. I am safe and secure.

I am safe in the here and now

It is my birthright to live fully and freely.

I lovingly balance my mind and my body. I now choose thoughts that make me feel good.

The movies of my mind are beautiful because I choose to make then so. I love me.

I am safe and secure at all times. Love surrounds me and protects me. All is well.

I am Divinely protected and surrounded by love. I now create a safe new future.

I give myself permission to be all that I can be and I deserve the very best in life. I love and appreciate myself and my children.

It is safe for me to be alive

***** I am important. I count. I now care for and nourish myself with love and with joy. I allow others the freedom to be who they are. We are all safe and free.

I freely and easily release the old and joyously welcome the new.

I am totally adequate at all times

It is easy for me to reprogram the computer of my mind. All of life is change and my mind is ever new

I trust my Heavenly Father. All I need is always taken care of.

I know I am worthwhile. It is safe for me to succeed.

It is with love that I totally release the past. I am free. I am love.

I am safe. I am at peace with life.

I am loving and lovable.

I release the pattern in me that created this. I am worthwhile. I DESERVE good.

Mar 9, 2015

Definition of Lying

"Lying Takes longer than the truth"

Types of Lying

Lying by omission:

Also known as a continuing misrepresentation, a lie by omission occurs when an important fact is left out in order to foster a misconception. Lying by omission includes failures to correct pre-existing misconceptions. When the seller of a car declares it has been serviced regularly but does not tell that a fault was reported at the last service, the seller lies by omission. It can be compared to dissimulation.