Does your sexually addicted loved one have any of these ADHD symptoms?:
Lots of anxiety
Racing thoughts (mind won't shut off)
Mind goes so fast it becomes flooded and too overwhelmed, which often leaves one feeling tired and sluggish (aka. Feeling of running in water)
Poor reality testing skills, and avoids reason or logic.
Feels depressed and hopeless from feeling overwhelmed.
Simple tasks bring lots of anxiety (groceries, walking dog, paying bills, social activities, talking about feelings, yard work, dealing with kids etc)
Often gets "glazed over" look when being spoken directly to.
Loses things easily
Constantly late
Overwhelmed by responsibilities
Always moving and restless (tapping toes, nail biting, tidying up, bouncing leg while sitting, cleaning, fidgety etc.)
Tendency to become absorbed in tasks that are stimulating and rewarding. aka "hyper focused".
Underestimating the time takes to complete tasks
Interrupts or intrudes on others.
May have zero concept of boundaries and other's personal space.
Sense of underachievement
Doesn’t deal well with frustration
Easily flustered and stressed out
Emotional Dysregulation/ Mood swings (which can sometimes mimic bi polar)
Trouble staying motivated
Poor planning abilities, unable to follow through consistently or complete tasks. Ie. Making plans one day, and then completely changing their mind the next, therefore things only getting done depending on mood.
Hypersensitivity to criticism
Short, often explosive, temper
Low self-esteem and sense of insecurity
Bored easily
Doing a million things at once
Poor sleep patterns, often not rested.
Difficulty in making up their mind, or making choices without undue anxiety.
Impatient, continuing difficulties in delaying gratification.
Overly demanding may become self-destructive and aggressive.
Unable to follow simple tasks and directions if the task does not hold an interest.
Gives up easily on tasks, assignments.
Can't keep a job
Overworks and uses working as an escape/ At the end of the day they can't leave "work" AT work.