"Parents must have the courage to filter or monitor Internet access, television, movies, and music." - Elder Quinton Cook
Let's talk filters.
Why Filter?? The church has asked us to. But WHY? Click HERE: To Filter or Not
Net nanny is a good program for strictly filtering. Its pricey since its a yearly subscription, but if you have the money, do it. Beware that it can be disabled, many programs can, better safe to know this than not, right? (Email me if you want a list of all the Monitoring programs I personally recommend for computer AND android devices. I pefer not to list them here because they are stealth monitoring programs : makemyburdenlight@Gmail.com)
The great part is you can layer multiplex filters like Net Nanny, K9 and Opendns all at once!
Not only is one filter not enough, many people don't realize that filtering ONLY with ONE WIFI filter (like Opendns, CleanRouter, Routerlimitz etc) is completely ineffective. They are EASILY BYPASSED!!! The more filters you have, the better protection you have, and whichever programs you choose I recommend at least one to also have MONITORING.
Here are steps I recommend:
1. First filter from the router itself with Opendns (or other router filter)